Tag Archive: University of the Arts London

Screen Printing with MiAL Artists supported by CASS Art


Made in Arts London is partnering with Eventbrite, to let participants try their hand at screen-printing an artistic masterpiece tonight at Old Street Underground, with materials generously provided by CASS Art.

Interview with MiAL Artist – Esther Ellard


Esther is drawn and inspired by the idea of ‘the everyday’, how seemingly mundane things that we take for granted but when we consider them on their own they can actually have quite a lot of personal importance and nostalgia.

Interview with MiAL Artist – Camilla Brueton


Camilla Brueton is interested in the relationship between people, infrastructure, architecture and place. She is drawn to linger in locations that most people pass through quickly, often without a second thought.

Interview with MiAL Artist Beatriz Sanches


This week’s interview features the talented Beatriz Sanches. A freelance designer, art director and illustrator originally from Brazil. She is fascinated by different places and cultures, having lived in Barcelona for a number of years and now being based in London.

Multiplied Art Fair – Contemporary Art in Editions


Made in Arts London at Multiplied Art Fair Christie’s

The London Illustration Fair, July 2014


Made in Arts London at The London Illustration Fair

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    020 7514 6270