It was an outstanding year for the UAL degree shows, and we at MiAL had a whirlwind time visiting each of the UAL colleges to see what the Class of 2015 had to offer! After much squabbling, wrangling and a huge amount of self-restraint we have finally presented to you here just a small selection of our top picks of the degree shows, we hope you enjoy!….

Natha Khunprasert, Chasing Colour, FACETS Purple

Natha Khunprasert, Chasing Colour, FACETS Purple

First off and a bit of sparkle to begin our list of favourites, with Natha Khunprasert proving to us that all that glitters is not gold, or even as it seems!

Natha Khunprasert Chasing Colour (L-R) NIX V, CUBIST Purple Gem, FACETS Black

Made completely from highly polished, precisely faceted clear acrylic, Central Saint Martins (now twice graduate) Natha’s MA Design: Jewellery Pathway project Chasing Colour, lives up to its title. Playing hide and seek with its wearer, each piece of jewellery flirtatiously reveals and conceals bright bursts of colour kaleidoscopically refracted within the glass-like plastic. There’s something for everyone within each of the three(!) collections, Facets, Cubist and Nix, including crystal like uncoloured pieces and even monochrome designs for those of you with slightly chromophobic tendancies!

Natha Khunprasert, Chasing Colour, CUBIST Contrast

Natha Khunprasert, Chasing Colour, CUBIST Contrast

This is certainly a designer who knows how to reach all her audiences, while maintaining a strong identity, one to watch…


A more muted colour pallet next, but in no way to be overlooked was Chelsea Fine Artist Jo Gifford’s collection of beautifully assorted ceramic vessels and forms.

Jo Gifford, Chelsea Degree Show, BA Fine Art

Jo Gifford, Chelsea Degree Show, BA Fine Art

Having taken a swerve in career direction, Jo comes from a medical background, having specialised in Paediatrics. This previous life has pervaded into her practice, which explores the physical and non-physical boundaries that separate self from other, with an underlying interest in the subjectivity of motherhood.

Jo Gifford, Degree Show, Chelsea, BA Fine Art

Jo Gifford, Degree Show, Chelsea, BA Fine Art

Produced using a disparate array of materials and hand crafted techniques (pulped confidential documents that burn away in the kiln, sedimented masses of ceramic waste) the fragile and at times disarranged forms are carefully laid out on a gridded system imposing order and classification on a collection of objects which forces the viewer to question systems of categorisation.


Perhaps a slightly biased selection next- but one which proved popular with everyone in our offices!- was London College of Communication, BA Surface Design graduate MiAL Artist Isabella Pagnotta!

Isabella Pagnotta, Underground Daydreamer

Isabella Pagnotta, Underground Daydreamer

Inspired by the often overlooked beauty of the London Underground’s design and engineering, Isabella’s collection Underground Daydreamer, tells the story of the uneven surfaces, shapes and textures we touch, see and walk across everyday.

Isabella Pagnotta, Underground Daydreamer, collage from screen printed paper

Isabella’s stand out narrative style of layering colour and motifs through print, interjected with detailed mark making to give a hand drawn style, was challenged with this project, as her initial journeys through the underground network led to the discovery of an eclectic mix of different surfaces and patterns. The result was a much more contemporary feel, drawn out of bold shapes and motifs, creating deliciously bright prints which reflect the vibrancy and diversity of life in the city we love!

Isabella Pagnotta, Underground Daydreamer

Isabella Pagnotta, Underground Daydreamer

We are incredibly proud to be the representative of someone who is maturing into such a diversely talented designer!


And finally, we couldn’t resist giving a mention to Chelsea College or Arts Henry Thomas Lloyd’s BA (Hons) Graphic Design Communication project HOT AIR: A trump card project!

Henry Thomas Lloyd, HOT AIR: A Trump Card Game

Henry Thomas Lloyd, HOT AIR: A Trump Card Game

Based on the beloved Top Trumps card game, with a tongue in cheek poke at the art and design industry Henry pokes fun where other try to remain poker faced!

Henry Thomas Lloyd, HOT AIR: A Trump Card Game

Henry Thomas Lloyd, HOT AIR: A Trump Card Game

Having asked a rather impressive roll call of industry big wigs  “What’s the most annoying phrase in the industry?” the young scallywag then printed their answers onto playing cards with the categories Jargon, Insult, Time Wasted, Budget Impact and Annoyance to create a game where you battle to out phrase your opponent. Think its about time we got our people to call  his people and order a deck…..
