Interview with MiAL and Metro Imaging 2016 Mentorship Winner – Giulia Cacciuttolo

With the launch of the second MiAL and Metro Imaging mentorship we caught up with Giulia Cacciuttolo, winner of the 2016 mentorship and recent graduate from the MA Painting course at Wimbledon College of Arts.


When you heard you’d won the mentorship, what were you most excited about?

I was absolutely thrilled by the chance to experiment with new techniques and materials on one hand and on the other to be an artist for Made in Arts London. A lot of amazing opportunities were opening in front of me.

How do you think your work has developed as a result of the mentorship?

The particular thing about this mentorship was that I won it while I was still finishing my MA. So, the great thing about it is that I had the chance to have feedback from outside the University and to work in a different environment. This helped me a lot to shape my work as it is today.

1What was the biggest highlight of the mentorship?

I still have a few months left but I would say that the most amazing thing is that thanks to the mentorship I had the chance to experiment with techniques that I would have never be able to afford otherwise.  And also the chance to exhibit with Made in Arts London, which was an amazing experience.

Who did you most enjoy meeting/working with?

The whole Metro Imaging and Made in Arts London teams were absolutely amazing, patient and extremely kind with me. It was a pleasure to work with each one of them and I hope that it will still be like that for a long time.

What is the most important thing you’ve learnt from the mentorship?

It helped me a lot to learn to face problems and issues in a more mature way. It also helped me to accept failure as part of the learning process, so to always try to do something.

What are you working on now?

I just graduated and this MA was an incredible but really intense experience. I probably never worked harder than this last year and I think I still need some time to process everything that happened. During this year I had the chance to work on big sculptures but now I feel the need to go on a smaller scale. I will probably still use the same materials – wax, plaster, fabric, photographs – with just a different dimension

What have you g13072690_1094427697288283_4358483079209794210_oot planned next?

I’m actually working on some really exciting projects: I just finished a site-specific installation realized in collaboration with Sebastião Castelo Lopes at the Southwark Platform and I am organizing with other five artists a group exhibition in December at the Safehouse2  SE15 3SN – an amazing abandoned Victorian house – in Peckham.

What would you say to someone thinking about applying for the next MiAL and Metro mentorship?

Definetely to apply! The openness and the opportunities that you receive during the mentorship are priceless, even more if you are still in a ‘college environment’. It could be a great chance of growth for your work and to confront yourself with a professional environment.

What was the best bit of advice you received through the mentorship?

To never be scared to try and fail. Failure is a good thing… it is all part of the game.

Submissions for the MiAL and Metro Imaging Mentorship 2017 are now open!

The mentorship will provide one final year UAL student with a bespoke mentoring program which will run from January – December 2017, offering tailored support and advice during the final crucial few months study, degree show and then the vitally important first few months as a graduate.